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General Terms and Conditions


Sinergia&Comatex SL, hereinafter Defora Home, collects, treats and stores personal information through the website owned by https://deforahome.com. This information may relate to users of the website, customers, suppliers, people with whom you have contact and other organizations.

In this privacy policy you will find information on how this information will be collected, processed and stored.

Legal Responsible

Commercial name: Defora Home
Legal name: Sinergia&Comatex SL
Fiscal identifier: B64664774
Address: C/ Electricidad 9/ 08755 Castellbisbal
Contact e-mail: hola@deforahome.com

Laws that apply to this website

  • RGPD (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons)
  • LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, 2007, Regulation implementing the LOPD)
  • LSSI (Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce)

Collected data

Only the data strictly necessary to carry out the normal activity of the service will be collected. Adhering to the principle of data minimization (Art.5.b GDPR).
The data collected will be in any case of persons over 16 years of age (Art. 8.1 GDPR). Defora Home reserves the right to take measures to verify the veracity of the age (Art. 8.2 GDPR).

In any case, this data will be of a personal identification nature and not sensitive, and may be:

  • E-mail address
  • Phone
  • Name and surname
  • DNI
  • Address
  • CCC

Collection methods

Personal data will be collected through the Defora Home website, https://www.deforahome.com/, when you enter information in any of the fields provided for this purpose on the website. These fields are properly marked and will not collect any data until you expressly agree to the transfer and management in accordance with this privacy policy.

Purpose of the collection and use of data https://www.deforahome.com/

The collection and use of data is done for the sole purpose of contacting the customer in case of problems with the order.

Defora Home undertakes not to use the data obtained for any other purpose.

Data recipient

The data collected will be incorporated into a file owned by:

  • Defora Home

This file will be managed by:

  • Héctor Acero

This file will be stored in:

  • Raiola Networks with address at Avenida de Magoi nº66, Semisótano Derecha, 27002 Lugo, Spain


The data will be retained until the purpose for which the data was collected is fulfilled (Art.5.e. GDPR) or until the right to erasure or modification of the data is exercised. Provided this does not conflict with the need for legal or fiscal reasons to store the same.


Your data is transferred and stored securely because we have:

  • SSL encryption.
  • Firewall at server level.
  • Security protocols to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Access control.

Defora Home cannot guarantee complete security in communications over the Internet but we guarantee to take appropriate measures to protect your data.

In addition, Defora Home is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the data and will not communicate or allow access to unauthorized third parties.


The legislation recognizes your rights as a user who has transferred your personal data:

  • Access to personal data.
  • Rectification or deletion.
  • Opposition to the treatment.
  • Data portability.
  • Limitation of its treatment.

You can only exercise these rights for yourself. So you can only request them for the data of which you are the owner.
In case you want to exercise any of these rights you can do it online through GGG, by mail to hola@kerama.es or by letter addressed to Defora Home address C/ Electricidad 9/ 08755 Castellbisbal indicating the rights you want to exercise and proof of identity. We promise to respond to your request within 30 working days.


The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the explicit acceptance of the management of the same according to this privacy policy.


In the event that you do not accept the management of your data according to this privacy policy, the data will not be collected, which may mean that the service provided by Defora Home cannot be carried out.


In the event that you want to assert your rights in terms of data protection and you consider that we are not respecting them, you can address to the responsible Spanish authority.

  • Website of the data protection authority: https://www.aepd.es/
  • E-mail of the data protection authority: internacional@agpd.es
  • Telephone of the data protection authority: +34 91399 6200


The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access of data and possible theft of the same. To achieve these purposes, the user/customer accepts that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

We offer 100% secure payment

In deforahome.com we guarantee that each of the transactions made is 100% secure. All purchases you make on our website are guaranteed by the secure server of the bank Banco Santander / Caixabank, so that your data is protected and encrypted by the most advanced technology, so it is much safer to send your data to the Secure Server of the banks to pay at a gas station, restaurant, etc..

What happens when I send my data over the network?

When you make the purchase and choose the payment method, when you click on the Payment by card button the website connects to the Secure Server, from that moment you enter to navigate in the secure area and enter your bank details in the Secure Server of the bank, which ensures that the operation meets the security requirements and performs the operation, after which the confirmation of the same appears and the buyer returns back to the store.
the store.

Could someone know the encryption key?

Each time a user connects to a secure server, the server generates a random key for the session it is establishing with the user, while the client’s browser generates another key, also random, which is used to identify itself to the server.
If at the time a secure connection is established, other users connect to the server, new keys are generated again to identify the participants in the connection. The Secure Server ensures that the generated keys never coincide while several simultaneous connections are established.

How do I know that a secure connection has really been established?

You can tell if you have connected to a Secure Server if the URL address begins with “https://”. In addition, the most commonly used browsers indicate this graphically by means of an icon that shows the user whether or not there is a secure connection (for example, in the case of Internet Explorer, the yellow closed padlock appears).

What security protocol is used for transmissions?

Connections to the Secure Server use the latest specifications of the standard network security protocol: SSL.

Which financial institution guarantees the security of my transactions?

When you make a purchase with a debit or credit card in our deforahome.com a connection is established with the Secure Server of Banco Santander and CaixaBank contributes all its experience and technological infrastructure to give support in a safe and effective way to all the electronic transactions of purchases that are made in deforahome.com/. When a payment request arrives to the Secure Server of Banco Santander or CaixaBank, this one is in charge of managing the authorization or denial, in real time, of the payment of that purchase after corroborating that all the data are correct to make the payment.

Where can you get more information?

For more information on security issues, you can refer to the information provided by Banco Santander on its website, www.bancosantander.es. And also CaixaBank www.caixabank.es

3D Secure

The Banco Santander and CaixaBank gateway is compatible with the new secure internet payment protocols introduced by the Visa and Mastercard brands.
3D Secure is the most secure credit card payment system because it is able to authenticate the cardholder, guaranteeing that the customer using a card number is really the cardholder. This is done by means of a secret key that your own bank will provide you with and that only you will know, in most cases this key can be requested on-line. For more information you can consult your bank’s website or contact your bank.

Very important

Our website only accepts payment with credit cards that are secured (3D Secure), so you will need a special key to buy online to be provided by the financial institution issuing the card, mentioning the need to have the virtual key of 3D Secure. We recommend using this 3D Secure system, you ensure that you are the only one who can make purchases with the card so it is impossible to use it fraudulently on the network, ensuring total security of transactions.

How do we protect your credit card payment?

deforahome.com uses a server based on one of the most reliable secure payment systems on the Internet: the SSL (Secure Socked Layer) security protocol (for more information, visit www.ssl.com).
All your personal data and information you transmit to us travels in encrypted form over the network, and is protected and encrypted before being sent for processing.
For Visa and Mastercard payment only CES (Secure Electronic Commerce) transactions will be accepted. After verifying that the card is enrolled in the CES system, the system will contact the issuing bank for the buyer to authorize the purchase. Once the bank confirms the authenticity, the card will be charged. Otherwise the order will be cancelled.
The payment gateway we use for your credit card payment is Banco Santander, which encrypts your data using SSL 256-bit protocol. Our system does not store any bank details of your credit card, but goes directly to the Bank’s Ecommerce POS (Point of Sale Terminal).

What is SSL?

Recent advances in browser and server technology have made it easier to use web services without concerns related to electronic fraud. One example is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), developed by Netscape, a security protocol submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Internet draft. Basically, the protocol allows the browser and the server of a web session to authenticate each other and protect the information that will subsequently flow between the two points. By using cryptographic techniques such as encryption and digital signature, the protocol:

■ Allows browsers and web servers to authenticate each other.
■ Allows website owners to control access to particular servers, directories, files or services.
■ Allows sensitive information (such as credit card numbers) to be shared between the browser and server, keeping it inaccessible to third parties.
■ Ensures that data exchanged by the browser and server cannot be corrupted, either accidentally or deliberately, without detection.


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